Exhibition: Departures and Arrivals
Palo Alto College, San Antonio, TX
September 17 – November 27, 2015
Opening Reception: Thursday, Sep. 17 , 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Departures and Arrivals: curated by Mark Hogensen, presents artworks from San Antonio artists that have strengthened and stretched the drawing genre. Drawing, has long been considered the most elemental of the visual arts. From the hands of these artists, the viewer will discover a wide range of process, media and content.
Ultimately, the exhibition presents an expansive view of departures from traditional drawing through the employment of media not regularly associated with drawing. Through the blending of process and content, these artists independently have arrived at unexpected compositions that are equal parts exploration and destination.
Invited artists:
Stuart Allen, Ricky Armendariz, Christie Blizard, Susan Budge, Bill Fitzgibbons, James Cobb, Jayne Lawrence, Leigh Anne Lester, Ken Little, Richard Mogas
Monday—Thursday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m., or by appointment
For more information, call (210) 486–3205.