Select Portfolio - Stuart Allen - Page 6
Stuart Allen is an artist whose work deals with fundamental elements of perception such as light, time, gravity and space. He has shown photographs, kites and sculpture in galleries and museums throughout the U.S. and abroad. His work is found in many private and public collections including the Tokyo Kite Museum, the Crocker Art Museum, the DiRosa Art Preserve, UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, and U.S. Embassy collections in Canada, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, and the Republic of Georgia. Allen has completed permanent public art commissions for the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa, Canada and the Police Headquarters building in Davis, CA. His work has been published in a variety of books and journals including: Picturing California’s Other Landscape: the Great Central Valley, Terra Nova: Nature and Culture, You Are Here: the Journal of Creative Geography, Zyzzyva and Artweek. Allen has lectured or served as a visiting artist at many fine institutions including the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Weisman Art Museum, the Atlantic Center for the Arts, and a number of university art departments nationwide. Allen studied architecture at Kansas University and graduated from the photography and video department of the Kansas City Art Institute in 1994. He lives in San Antonio, Texas with his wife Kelly Lyons, their daughter Aidan and son Vincent. Allen is represented by the following galleries: PDNB, Dallas, TX; JayJay, Sacramento, CA; Jan Manton Art, Brisbane, Australia; Haw Contemporary, Kansas City, MO.
Stuart Allen, artist, photographer, sculptor, public art, kite, kite maker, art consultant, Jayjay, haw contemporary, pdnb gallery, science and art
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Night Lines

Completed during a 1997-98 Artist in Bioregional Residency program in Northern California, Night Lines is a series of nocturnal landscape photographs informed by dynamic light trails. Made using traditional methods (long exposures) and simple tools (a variety of flashlights), the lines are drawn in response to features of the landscape. As the manipulator of the light, the artist himself becomes a primary component of the photographs–albeit an invisible one–as the images document Allen’s interaction with nature and the earth’s topography.

For more information about this series click here for an artist’s statement.

Wind Lines

Wind Lines, 1997
red parachute cord, white cord, aircraft cable, copper weights
50’ x 50’ x 10’

temporary installation: Fairfield Center for the Creative Arts, Fairfield, CA

672 pieces of red parachute cord were suspended from a cable grid in the courtyard of the Fairfield Center for the Creative Arts. Turbulent winds within the courtyard produced waves of motion that rippled through the network of string.

Kites and Clouds

untitled kite photographs, 1996
gelatin silver prints
editions: 4″ x 4″ and 40″ x 40″